Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai is in the northern area of Thailand, filled with mountains, coffee & tea plantations and even its own cuisine! I enjoyed the northern part of Thailand soooo much, there were still tourist but it felt authentic, loving and it was a good balance between country and city. Here some of my favorite moments and places!


So in 2018, I stayed a weekend in Montreal and met this beautiful soul! Our paths were able to cross again when I posted on my instagram story that I was in Chiang Mai (her hometown!)

She picked me up on her moped and stopped at a few of her favorite places.

She is one of the original people that taught me about traveling and some of the resources! :)

Je me souviens

Think Park, Chiang Mai

headed to all you can eat Korean BBQ

A street in Chiang Mai, I was headed to get a massage :)

Sleeper Train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok!

honestly not a bad ride, the views were nice, price was great!

(I may not be the best person for advice because I can sleep anywhere)

Chiang Mai Night Market

A bit over stimulating during high season but still fun to experience :)

Mango Sticky Rice

Mother Fuckin YUM. This photo makes my mouth waterrrrrr.

I went to Smile Organic Farm Thai Cooking School

We got to pick fresh ingredients from the garden, try so many dishes & they even packaged it to go


I am obsessed with Khao Soi, no joke..

More from smile organic farm cooking school

At the market

When you go to the market to get your fresh veggies and fruits there will also be these stands selling so many cool mixes and spices.

We made the curry paste from scratch it was such a fun experience, so tasty too!

The best little bakery/ coffee shop! They had tons of healthy gluten free, vegan & organic food options!

It was just around the corner from the hostel, so I went… a lot heheheh!

Just some behind the scenes pictures from exploring

I like how long the plant hangs here, and how the light is coming in

Sak Yant tattoo

Sak means “to [tattoo]”, and yan is Thai for the Sanskrit word yantra. The Sak Yant tattoo is an ancient art derived from Buddhist culture. This sacred practice is believed to bestow magical powers upon the wearer by the Buddhist monk who does the tattooing.

mine means invincible :)

a very fun and cute place to hang for a bit! great craft coffee and drinks

took a class at Dang after training at tiger Muay Thai for a month!


Introduction to Ayurveda

